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Wee Sing Dinosaurs [With CD (Audio)] (Paperback)


저자정보 Pamela Conn Beall, Susan Hagen Nipp, Nancy Spence Klein, Beall, Pamela Conn (지은이)
출판사 Price Stern Sloan
책소개 Anyone who loves dinosaurs will delight in this collection of original, fact-filled dinosaur songs and poems . Let your imagination carry you back 100 million years to a time filled with the most exciting creatures that ever roamed the earth!§ Wee Sing 시리즈 소개 §영미권의 잘 알려진 노래들을 주제별로...
출판연월 2006 ISBN 9780843120974
Vol 주제분야  
총 대출건수 871


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